"I've always been against it." The leader of the band Mashina Vremeni joined the campaign Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus

Today, October 10, the World Day against the Death Penalty is marked. Belarus is still the only country in Europe where this type of punishment is applied, so activists continue the campaign Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus. More and more people are joining it, including famous figures from different countries. This time the company was supported by a famous musician, public figure, and leader of a Russian band Mashina Vremeni Andrei Makarevich.

"I believe that a person has no right to take another person's life. It's not their privilege. They take too much on themselves. That's why I have always been against [the death penalty] and I still am," the leader of the band Mashina Vremeni told human rights activists.

Coordinator of the campaign Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus Andrei Paluda and Viasna human rights activist Valiantsin Stefanovich (now a political prisoner) at the festival Rock for Life in Minsk, 2019

Coordinator of the campaign Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus Andrei Paluda notes that it is important to continue talking about the death penalty in the current context of repression in Belarus.

"The existence of the death penalty in modern Belarus is an important indicator of the system of violence and repression that exists in our country. I thank all Belarusians who support us, speak, and act," says human rights activist Andrei Paluda.

Up-to-date information on the state of the death penalty in Belarus can be seen on the Telegram channel Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus

Book «Capital punishment in Belarus»


Death verdics in Belarus since 1990
