Capital punishment in Belarus, analytics, Petition against the Death Penalty in Belarus

Belarus is the last country in Europe and former Soviet Union that is still carrying out the death penalty. Amnesty International, Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, Belarusian Helsinki Committee and other human rights defenders in Belarus oppose the death penalty in all cases without exception. The death penalty is a violation of the right to life, guaranteed by the Constitution of Belarus and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Nothing can justify the purposeful and ruthless taking of a human life by State.

The death penalty is a destructive and divisive public policy that has been shown to have no special deterrent effect on crime. It distracts from effective measures being taken against criminality through promoting simplistic responses to complex human problems. It denies the possibility of rehabilitation and reconciliation. It prolongs the suffering of the murder victim’s family, and extends that suffering to the relatives of the condemned prisoner. Amnesty International, Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, Belarusian Helsinki Committee does not seek to belittle the suffering of the families of murder victims, and recognizes and endorses a government’s duty to protect the rights of all people under its jurisdiction. However, executions are a symptom of a culture of violence rather than a solution to it. By executing a person the state commits a premeditated killing and shows a similar readiness to use physical violence as the criminal.

In Belarus the use of the death penalty is compounded by a flawed criminal justice system that administers capital punishment in a manner that violates international laws and standards pertaining to the death penalty. There is credible evidence that torture and ill-treatment are used to extract “confessions”; condemned prisoners may not have access to effective appeal mechanisms; and the inherently cruel, inhuman and degrading nature of the death penalty is compounded for death row prisoners and their relatives by the secrecy surrounding the death penalty. Neither prisoners nor their families are told the execution date in advance and prisoners must live with the fear that every time their cell door opens they may be taken for execution.

We call on the President and Parliament of Belarus to immediately declare a moratorium on death sentences and executions as a first step towards full abolition of the death penalty.

The number of signatories 17 556

Name Country Date of fill
Pola K Warszawa, Polska 19.08.2020
John Gilmore 18.08.2020
Joseph Lotta 18.08.2020
Maria Luiza Amaro Itaboraí, Brazil 18.08.2020
Ellie Koirala Matthews, United States 17.08.2020
gosia białczyk Gniezno, Polska 17.08.2020
Sandra Merkelytė Kaunas, Lietuva 17.08.2020
Aruzhan Kenzhegali 17.08.2020
Kristine Kokina London, United Kingdom 16.08.2020
Aderall Morgan Bogotá, Colombia 16.08.2020
Владислав Волков Минск, Беларусь 16.08.2020
Аляксей Скорбеж Менск, Беларусь 15.08.2020
А М -, - 14.08.2020
Alíz Horváth Kóka, Hungary 13.08.2020
OUDY Dominique MORSANG-SUR-ORGE, FRANCE 13.08.2020
lucy winton lincoln, United Kingdom 13.08.2020
Алёна Палачанская Мінск, Беларусь 13.08.2020
Alice Riemann Wiesbaden, Germany 12.08.2020
Давыденко Александра Минск, Беларусь 12.08.2020
Анастасия Дмитриева Санкт-Петербург, Россия 12.08.2020
Julia Nowakowska Łódź, Poland 12.08.2020
Айя Амир Аркалык, Казахстан 12.08.2020
Наталля Дарожка Вялiкая Бераставiца, Беларусь 11.08.2020
Nina Schröder Berlin, Germany 10.08.2020
Baloge Clément Aubervilliers, France 10.08.2020
Jakub Kolodziejczyk Pabianice, Polska 10.08.2020
Инна Пичугина а,г Щомыслица, Беларусь 09.08.2020
Francesco Egidi Rome, Italy 08.08.2020
Наталля Дзядок Мiнск, Беларусь 08.08.2020
Brianna Brisk Milwaukee, United States 08.08.2020
Дмитрий Седлер а.г. Лесной (квартал Зеленый Бор), Беларусь 07.08.2020
Евгения Сундукова Минск, Беларусь 07.08.2020
Елена Ольшевская Брест, Беларусь 06.08.2020
Вероника Терещенко Солигорск, Беларусь 04.08.2020
Святлана Пчолкіна Віцебск, Беларусь 03.08.2020
Павел Лапкоўскi Маладзечна, Беларусь 03.08.2020
Ана Волкова Минск, Беларусь 03.08.2020
Вольга Казановіч Мінск, Рэспубліка Беларусь 03.08.2020
Дзяніс Філіпенка Ліда, Беларусь 03.08.2020
Sonck Jill 31.07.2020
Petra Kyzlinková Brno, Czech republic 25.07.2020
Маргарита Загорская Воложин, Беларусь 24.07.2020
Ирина Жвитиашвили Минск, Беларусь 23.07.2020
Irgmaier Babette Rosenheim, Deutschland 23.07.2020
Schneider Victor Decebal Rosenheim, Deutschland 23.07.2020
Андрей Конон Минск, Беларусь 22.07.2020
Анна Солтанович Минск, Республика Беларусь 22.07.2020
Екатерина Василевская Минск, Беларусь 21.07.2020
Anna Andriskowska Kartuzy, Polska 18.07.2020
Анастасия Сирнани Вилейка, Беларусь 17.07.2020
Софья Шалимо Минск, Беларусь 16.07.2020
Вольга Беська Мінск, Беларусь 16.07.2020
Константин Канюка Кобрин, Беларусь 11.07.2020
Pioras Larisa Cluj, Romania 10.07.2020
Parviz Khazaei 9495 Triesen, Liechtenstein 02.07.2020
Klaus Kröger Wedel, Deutschland 30.06.2020
Inetta Adreńska Warszawa, Polska 29.06.2020
Alexandra Nutley Krakow, Poland 27.06.2020
Gomes Stephanie Genèva, Switzerland 26.06.2020
Екатерина Косолобова Минск, Беларусь 25.06.2020
Даніла Нікіфараў Мінск, Беларусь 23.06.2020
Hanna Cencora Wrocław, Polska 22.06.2020
Наталья Нрвак Минск, Беларусь 21.06.2020
Lucas van de Beek Utrecht, Netherlands 20.06.2020
Яўген Германчук Мінск, Беларусь 20.06.2020
Ірына Дубавец Менск, Беларусь 19.06.2020
Astrid Frey Paris, France 19.06.2020
Дзмітры Паўлаў Мінск, Беларусь 15.06.2020
David Jones Bielefeld, Germany 15.06.2020
Евгений Ламеко Минск, Беларусь 15.06.2020
Helen Meyer Bremen, Germany 14.06.2020
Lou Bau Braunschweig, Deutschland 13.06.2020
Евгений Зариньш Рига, Латвия 12.06.2020
Анна Бембель Тюмень, Россия 12.06.2020
Лариса Кравченко Бобруйск, Беларусь 07.06.2020
Aideen Reddy 04.06.2020
Виталий Соловьёв Логойск, Беларусь 03.06.2020
Валерия Ляшук Брест, Беларусь 03.06.2020
Екатерина Пазушко Минск, Беларусь 01.06.2020
Елена Александровна Могилев, Беларусь 26.05.2020
Alina Schoppe Schoppe 24.05.2020
Ирина Лагойко Минск, Беларусь 23.05.2020
Іван Гоцманаў Менск, Беларусь 23.05.2020
Бажэна Шамовіч Глыбокое, Беларусь 23.05.2020
Niklas Scholl Solingen, Germany 23.05.2020
Юлия Галиновская Аг. Антоновка, РБ 22.05.2020
Наталья Барбакадзе Москва, Россия 21.05.2020
Анна Володька Minsk, Беларусь 19.05.2020
Ганна Клiмавец Брэст, Беларусь 17.05.2020
Анна Зданевич Брест, Беларусь 16.05.2020
Екатерина Хромых Брест, Беларусь 15.05.2020
kurdistan without genocide kwg kwg erbil, Iraq 15.05.2020
Наталья Щемелёва Смолевичи, Беларусь 13.05.2020
Михаил Серяков Москва, Россия 13.05.2020
Stephanie Schulz Bremen, Deutschland 13.05.2020
Геннадий Божко Минск, Республика Беларусь 08.05.2020
Александр Полищук Минск, Беларусь 08.05.2020
Андрей Окунев Минск, Беларусь 08.05.2020
Ирина Соловей Минск, Беларусь 08.05.2020
Yuliya Chyzh Афины, Греция 08.05.2020

Sign the petition
