Mother and sister of Uladzislau Kavaliou urge court to disclose place of burial

Liubou Kavaliova and Tatsiana Kaziar, mother and sister of Uladzislau Kavaliou sentenced to death and executed on March 15, 2012 on charges of plotting and committing a terrorist attack on Minsk subway, addressed the court of Kastrychnitski district with a complaint about the illegal actions of the Department of Corrections, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Committee.  Uladzislau Kavaliou’s relatives believe that the refusal to provide information on his burial site violates international standards, and also pay attention to the violation of the Law “On Public Appeals.”

According to human rights defender Raman Kisliak, Kavaliou’s family members appealed the refusal of the Department of Corrections in providing the details of the place of his burial to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From there, the complaint was forwarded back to the Department, i.e. the authority whose actions were contested, which constituted the first violation. A second violation was that the refusal to disclose the burial place refers to Par. 5, Art. 175 of the Criminal Executive Code, which does not meet the requirements of Art. 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which prohibits torture and ill-treatment. The practice of concealing information on the burial place of the executed person is subject to this article.

According to Raman Kisliak, if there is a conflict between the Criminal Executive Code and the International Covenant, the advantage should be given to the International Covenant.



Death verdics in Belarus since 1990
