Kasia Kamotskaya: ‘Death penalty is a trait of great backwardness of a country’

The leader of the legendary rock-band Novaye Neba and producer of documentaries Kasia Kamotskaya has joined the campaign against death penalty in Belarus and stated that the abolishment of this penalty would be another step of Belarus towards the family of free democratic countries:

‘I join the campaign against death penalty in Belarus as I think that, first of all, no one has the right to deprive a person of life. It can be done only by oneself, though it is still considered a sin in Christianity.

Secondly, there are great problems in the law-enforcement system in Belarus. The whole system needs to be changed. It seems to me that unfair verdicts and simple court mistakes are quite possible in a country where there are no real courts. It means that innocent people can be punished.

Thirdly, I believe that death penalty is a trait of a great backwardness of a country, and its abolishment would be another step of Belarus towards teh family of free democratic countries.'



Death verdics in Belarus since 1990
