Anatomic theater in Uppsala, Sweden

The last death execution in Sweden was conducted in 1910 –by the guillotine. And in the XVIIth century executions were carried out by hanging and gathered many spectators.

After the executions, the bodies were used for
"scientific purposes" - for dissection in anatomical theaters. This action also took place in public, the manipulations with the bodies of the executed were conducted by medics in ceremonial dresses.

The first anatomic theater in Sweden was founded by a scientist Olof Rudbeck (1630—1702) for the Uppsala University.

The anatomic theater was designed for 200 seats, which was significantly higher than the number of medical students, that's why the people who came to see the death penalty were also invited to the dissection of the corpses, but had to buy tickets, the money for which were then passed to the relatives so that they could bury the body adequately.

In the 1950-ies the renovated anatomic theater became a part of the museum.




Death verdics in Belarus since 1990
