Musician Zmitser Vaitsiushkevich joins anti-death penalty campaign

Zmitser Vaitsiushkevich
Zmitser Vaitsiushkevich

The famous Belarusian musician Zmitser Vaitsiushkevich has signed the petition for the abolition of capital punishment and named the main reason for doing that.
‘I am joining the campaign against death penalty in this country due to a number of reasons. The main thing is that the innocent are not killed.
I would like to support the petition to the Belarusian authorities, because I think that it is high time to understand who we are, where evil comes from and who has the right to judge. These issues are extremely complicated and simple at a time…
I do hope that the innocent are not killed, because that is what we have.’

Book «Capital punishment in Belarus»


Death verdics in Belarus since 1990
