Belarusian musicians: Yes to Punishment, No to Death Penalty

Hanna Khitryk
Hanna Khitryk

Belarusian rock musicians are preparing for the launch of the new joint project Aposhni Zolak (“The Last Dawn”). Its participants told TUT.BY about the problems of society, crime and punishment, the value of life, lifting the veil of secrecy over the contents of the long-awaited project.

Actress and singer Hanna Khitryk is convinced that all of our life today evolved into an aggressive shooter: “We perceive the reality of death too lightly.” When asked about her attitude towards the death penalty, Hanna says she wanted to give a definite answer, which she did not have then. Today, the musician is ready to protect the right to life for all, remembering that it is the value not given to us by the State.

Musician Viktar Rudenka says the countries that kill people, even as a punishment for a crime, find it difficult to resist murders in general. He is confident that the death penalty has a direct impact on the development of society, only we are not too fast to think about until our basic necessities are satisfied.

A number of well-known Belarusian musicians are expected to present Aposhni Zolak, a new joint project on the death penalty, in early October. The project will involve seven performers.

Book «Capital punishment in Belarus»


Death verdics in Belarus since 1990
