Capital punishment in Belarus, analytics, Petition against the Death Penalty in Belarus
Belarus is the last country in Europe and former Soviet Union that is still carrying out the death penalty. Amnesty International, Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, Belarusian Helsinki Committee and other human rights defenders in Belarus oppose the death penalty in all cases without exception. The death penalty is a violation of the right to life, guaranteed by the Constitution of Belarus and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Nothing can justify the purposeful and ruthless taking of a human life by State.
The death penalty is a destructive and divisive public policy that has been shown to have no special deterrent effect on crime. It distracts from effective measures being taken against criminality through promoting simplistic responses to complex human problems. It denies the possibility of rehabilitation and reconciliation. It prolongs the suffering of the murder victim’s family, and extends that suffering to the relatives of the condemned prisoner. Amnesty International, Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, Belarusian Helsinki Committee does not seek to belittle the suffering of the families of murder victims, and recognizes and endorses a government’s duty to protect the rights of all people under its jurisdiction. However, executions are a symptom of a culture of violence rather than a solution to it. By executing a person the state commits a premeditated killing and shows a similar readiness to use physical violence as the criminal.
In Belarus the use of the death penalty is compounded by a flawed criminal justice system that administers capital punishment in a manner that violates international laws and standards pertaining to the death penalty. There is credible evidence that torture and ill-treatment are used to extract “confessions”; condemned prisoners may not have access to effective appeal mechanisms; and the inherently cruel, inhuman and degrading nature of the death penalty is compounded for death row prisoners and their relatives by the secrecy surrounding the death penalty. Neither prisoners nor their families are told the execution date in advance and prisoners must live with the fear that every time their cell door opens they may be taken for execution.
We call on the President and Parliament of Belarus to immediately declare a moratorium on death sentences and executions as a first step towards full abolition of the death penalty.
The number of signatories 17 565
Name | Country | Date of fill |
stiefel barbara | zürich, switzerland | 04.07.2011 |
Александр Витвицкий | Запорожье | 04.07.2011 |
Александра Мальцева | Запорожье | 04.07.2011 |
Вольга Кашцялян | Мінск | 04.07.2011 |
Бабицкий Мирослав Александрович | Минск | 04.07.2011 |
Дар'я Візнэр | Менск | 04.07.2011 |
Iсаева Галiна | Слуцк | 03.07.2011 |
Ирина Беньковская | Минск | 03.07.2011 |
Heinz Schmid | Kreuzlingen, Switzerland | 01.07.2011 |
Бормотова Янина | Шклов | 30.06.2011 |
Каспяровіч Паліна | Менск | 30.06.2011 |
Сяргей Паленік | Брэст | 30.06.2011 |
Аляксей Аладка | Минсая вобласць | 30.06.2011 |
Калiнiна Марына | Мiнск | 30.06.2011 |
Wicki Raphael | Merlischachen, Switzerland | 30.06.2011 |
Ирина Шепель | Минск | 29.06.2011 |
Климович Елена | Минск | 29.06.2011 |
Кашкан Иван | Минск | 29.06.2011 |
Züllig Elisa | Switzerland | 29.06.2011 |
Махнач Владимир | Узда | 28.06.2011 |
Tatsiana Turgot | Copenhagen | 27.06.2011 |
Peter Gerber | Langnau, Switzerland | 25.06.2011 |
margherita farina | aranno, switzerland | 25.06.2011 |
Андрэй Смагiн | Гомель | 24.06.2011 |
Лосик Екатерина | Гомель | 24.06.2011 |
Святлана Смагiна | Гомель | 24.06.2011 |
Андрэй Малюжанец | Шаркаушчына | 24.06.2011 |
Давыдзенка Аляксандра | Мінск | 23.06.2011 |
Вольга Цixaновiч | Мiнск | 23.06.2011 |
андрэй кашэўскі | Жодзіна-Смалявічы | 23.06.2011 |
Арына Дзмітрыева | Гродна | 22.06.2011 |
Войцех Корчак | Заслаўе | 22.06.2011 |
Стэфанія Манько | Менск | 22.06.2011 |
Светлана Баруткина | Минск | 21.06.2011 |
Ирина Малышева | Гродно | 20.06.2011 |
Мария Малышева | Гродно | 20.06.2011 |
Murray Gibbs | Versoix Switzerland | 18.06.2011 |
Morciano, Francesco | St.Gallen, Switzerland | 18.06.2011 |
Натальля Шышкіна | Менск | 15.06.2011 |
Андрусь Крэчка | Менск | 15.06.2011 |
Artsiukh Iryna | Berlin | 15.06.2011 |
Fürst Martin | Rheinfelden, Schweiz | 14.06.2011 |
joel willi | swiss mels | 14.06.2011 |
Ilya Nahorny | Солигорск | 12.06.2011 |
Aliaksey Hrinevich | Fanipol | 12.06.2011 |
Хинич Вероника | Минск | 11.06.2011 |
Алина Кучеренко | Новополоцк | 11.06.2011 |
Юлiя Балакiр | Слуцк | 09.06.2011 |
Єніна Анна | Київ | 09.06.2011 |
Antje Cubela | Zürich Switzerland | 08.06.2011 |
Крыловіч Надзея | Мінск | 08.06.2011 |
Николай Петровский | Москва | 08.06.2011 |
Наста Іванчук | Мінск | 08.06.2011 |
Gobbert, Tobias | Mannheim, Germany | 07.06.2011 |
Stéphanie Ballanfat | Switzerland | 07.06.2011 |
Яніна Грыневіч | Менск | 06.06.2011 |
Caroline Tremblay | Saint-Joseph-de-Sorel, Canada | 05.06.2011 |
Арцём Быстрык | Наваградак | 04.06.2011 |
Валерый Жебрак | Волковыск | 03.06.2011 |
Valentina B | Paris, France | 02.06.2011 |
Грамович Александра | Минск | 01.06.2011 |
Sven Aydin | Schwyz, Swizerland | 01.06.2011 |
Lidia Asencio | Córdoba- España | 01.06.2011 |
Юшкевіч Андрэй | Віцебск | 31.05.2011 |
Pladys Alexandra | Alpnach, Switzerland | 31.05.2011 |
Rebekka, Raymann | Grabs, Schweiz | 31.05.2011 |
Чарняк Марына | Менск | 31.05.2011 |
Senn Lukas | St. Gallen, Schweiz | 30.05.2011 |
Іна Сярбаева | Беларусь | 29.05.2011 |
Borgin, Natalia | Schaffhausen, Switzerland | 28.05.2011 |
Андрусь Паджараў | Мінск | 26.05.2011 |
Achermann, Claudia | Switzerland | 26.05.2011 |
Frei Sabrina | Zurich, Switzerland | 26.05.2011 |
Андрэй Бука | Шаркоўшчына | 26.05.2011 |
Dufour Colette | Rances, Suisse | 25.05.2011 |
Pierre-Alain Geiser | Romont ,Switzerland | 25.05.2011 |
Наста Захарэвіч | Менск | 25.05.2011 |
Widmer, Karin | Zürich, Switzerland | 25.05.2011 |
veronique Locher | geneva switzerland | 25.05.2011 |
Нiка Слабчанка | Менск | 24.05.2011 |
Forney Annick | lausanne, Suisse | 23.05.2011 |
Sergi, Raffael | Geneva, Suiss | 22.05.2011 |
ferrari silvana | 2108 couvet switzerland | 22.05.2011 |
Céline Eggenberger | Uzwil, Switzerland | 21.05.2011 |
Максім Дудко | Магілёў | 21.05.2011 |
Вольга Белашэдава | Мiнск | 21.05.2011 |
Эдуард Непогода | Кореличи | 20.05.2011 |
Вольга Гельдыева | Барысаў | 20.05.2011 |
jung.arthur | chur,switzerland | 19.05.2011 |
Boris Calame | Geneva, Switzerland | 19.05.2011 |
Weber Judith | Frauenfeld, Switzerland | 19.05.2011 |
Вольга Шульга | Гродна | 18.05.2011 |
Catherine Jallow Ba | Genève, Switzerland | 17.05.2011 |
REGUIS Manuel | France | 17.05.2011 |
Anne-Kathrin Bützer | Winterthur, Schweiz | 17.05.2011 |
Zogg, Gioia | St.Gallen, Switzerland | 17.05.2011 |
Galina Aksiuchyts | Zaslaue | 16.05.2011 |
Ribeiro Miguel | Sion, Switzerland | 16.05.2011 |
Любовь Мосеева-Элье | Калуга, Россия | 16.05.2011 |
Laura W. | Switzerland | 16.05.2011 |