Capital punishment in Belarus, analytics, Petition against the Death Penalty in Belarus

Belarus is the last country in Europe and former Soviet Union that is still carrying out the death penalty. Amnesty International, Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, Belarusian Helsinki Committee and other human rights defenders in Belarus oppose the death penalty in all cases without exception. The death penalty is a violation of the right to life, guaranteed by the Constitution of Belarus and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Nothing can justify the purposeful and ruthless taking of a human life by State.

The death penalty is a destructive and divisive public policy that has been shown to have no special deterrent effect on crime. It distracts from effective measures being taken against criminality through promoting simplistic responses to complex human problems. It denies the possibility of rehabilitation and reconciliation. It prolongs the suffering of the murder victim’s family, and extends that suffering to the relatives of the condemned prisoner. Amnesty International, Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, Belarusian Helsinki Committee does not seek to belittle the suffering of the families of murder victims, and recognizes and endorses a government’s duty to protect the rights of all people under its jurisdiction. However, executions are a symptom of a culture of violence rather than a solution to it. By executing a person the state commits a premeditated killing and shows a similar readiness to use physical violence as the criminal.

In Belarus the use of the death penalty is compounded by a flawed criminal justice system that administers capital punishment in a manner that violates international laws and standards pertaining to the death penalty. There is credible evidence that torture and ill-treatment are used to extract “confessions”; condemned prisoners may not have access to effective appeal mechanisms; and the inherently cruel, inhuman and degrading nature of the death penalty is compounded for death row prisoners and their relatives by the secrecy surrounding the death penalty. Neither prisoners nor their families are told the execution date in advance and prisoners must live with the fear that every time their cell door opens they may be taken for execution.

We call on the President and Parliament of Belarus to immediately declare a moratorium on death sentences and executions as a first step towards full abolition of the death penalty.

The number of signatories 17 565

Name Country Date of fill
bruno lemyre rouen, France 24.10.2013
desiage david vichy, france 24.10.2013
Gousset Aurélie 24.10.2013
desiage juliana vichy, france 24.10.2013
TEMPOREL Florian 24.10.2013
Odobet Krystel Toulouse, France 24.10.2013
Loïc Gilles Paris, France 24.10.2013
HAGUES Méguy France, Ourville en caux 24.10.2013
Юрий Дегтярев Могилев, Беларусь 24.10.2013
baptiste Roger la brillanne, france 24.10.2013
Rouger Laurence ST GEORGES SUR LOIRE, France 24.10.2013
espit pascal avignonet, France 24.10.2013
Goy Aude Yverdon-les-Bains, Suisse 24.10.2013
PLACHTA Pauline Besançon, France 24.10.2013
Julie Bidet Paris, France 24.10.2013
mouchon philippe calais, françe 24.10.2013
Villalba-moran Petter Metz, France 24.10.2013
Lhommet Michael Paris, France 24.10.2013
quellier marie helene paris, france 24.10.2013
Sebo Yohann La Rochelle, France 24.10.2013
Julie C. Nantes, France 24.10.2013
Quelennec Eddy Rouen, France 24.10.2013
kaoua dalila marseille, France 24.10.2013
dubos sylvie merignac, france 24.10.2013
Todyi Laude Todyi Laude Udine, Italy 24.10.2013
Annie Legault Trois-Rivières, Canada 24.10.2013
Magali Chapuis Ligueil, France 24.10.2013
Gautier Alex Regensburg, Germany 24.10.2013
Дмитрий Хотянович Минск, Беларусь 24.10.2013
Benoit Taisne Cambrai, France 24.10.2013
Chris F. Paris, France 24.10.2013
maugard giovani rouen, France 24.10.2013
Clara Noizet bourges, France 24.10.2013
stephanie stef marseille, france 24.10.2013
Quesnée Didier 24.10.2013
tisserand carole fraize, france 24.10.2013
Виктор Третьяк Екатеринбург, Свердловская обл, Россия 24.10.2013
Николай Ульянов Уфа, Башкортостан, Россия 24.10.2013
Ольга Рыкова Москва, Россия 24.10.2013
Елена Романова - Саваренская Санкт-Петербург, Россия 24.10.2013
Scauflaire Noël Erquelinnes, Belgique 24.10.2013
Корольчук Оксана Столин, Беларусь 24.10.2013
Владислав Леоновец Минск, Беларусь 24.10.2013
ирина солонович минск, беларусь 24.10.2013
Dzmitry Hameza Минск, Беларусь 24.10.2013
Mylène Farmer Paris, France 24.10.2013
Марта Филипоненко деревня Новики Мозырского района, Беларуссия 17.10.2013
Иван Ермакович Большие Чучевичи, Беларусь 17.10.2013
Іван Уласевіч Мінск, Беларусь 17.10.2013
Сяргей Гіркін Магілёў 212036, Літва (Беларусь) 16.10.2013
Carl-Johan Backman Handen, Sweden 15.10.2013
Guillermina Ruiz Bahía Blanca, Argentina 15.10.2013
Marcin Kubik Mount Prospect, USA 15.10.2013
Paulina Kluge Saltsjöbaden, Sweden 14.10.2013
Маразевіч Яўген Магілёў, Беларусь 12.10.2013
Міхаіл Мацкевіч Стоўбцы, Беларусь 11.10.2013
Kinga Pawlowska Warszawa, Polska 11.10.2013
Людмила Кучура Минск, Беларусь 10.10.2013
Татьяна Колесова 10.10.2013
Iгар Судник Варшава, Польшча 10.10.2013
Аляксандра Крупа Мінск, Беларусь 10.10.2013
miroslaw ciolek Cambridge, England 10.10.2013
Sebastian Koralus Bielsko-Biala, Polska 10.10.2013
Сяргей Швакель Мінск, Беларусь 10.10.2013
Ольга Здольникова Буда-Кошелево, Республика Беларусь 10.10.2013
Светлана Березняцкая Минск, Беларусь 10.10.2013
Анатоль Сідарэвіч Менск, Беларусь 10.10.2013
олег долгодилин гомель, беларусь 09.10.2013
Анастасия Колпакова Петрозаводск, Россия 09.10.2013
Игорь Вилейкис Петрозаводск, Россия 08.10.2013
Светлана Куприянова Петрозаводск, Россия 08.10.2013
Дмитрий Кучерук Петрозаводск, Россия 08.10.2013
Іван Рыбакоў Талачын, Беларусь 08.10.2013
Усевалад Шлыкаў Гродна, Беларусь 08.10.2013
Владимир Романовский Магадан, Россия 08.10.2013
Josef Gaffl Linz, Austria 08.10.2013
Olena Bondarenko Kyiv, Ukraine 08.10.2013
Дар'я Каштанава Мінск, Беларусь 07.10.2013
Grundler Maja Berlin, Germany 07.10.2013
Aleksandr Bergan New York, United States 07.10.2013
sara karimi enschede, Nederland 07.10.2013
Joachim Kübler Pforzheim, Germany 07.10.2013
Sara Edin Stockholm, Sverige 06.10.2013
Uladzimir Dzenisevich Ivatsevichy, Belarus 06.10.2013
tata sadunashvili tbilisi, georgia 06.10.2013
Дзмітрый Ягораў Варшава, Польшча 06.10.2013
Любовь Шапорина Москва, Россия 06.10.2013
Jessica Dwinell Chicago, USA 06.10.2013
Amanda Koons Chicago, USA 06.10.2013
Ashley McKinnon Chicago, USA 06.10.2013
Antonina Maslyko Minsk, Belarus 06.10.2013
Monika Mueller Basel, Switzerland 06.10.2013
Алесь Курэц Менск, Беларусь 05.10.2013
Olsson Linnea Stockholm, Sweden 05.10.2013
Magnus Nilsson Stockholm, Sweden 05.10.2013
Браніслаў САРМОНТ Мінск, Беларусь 05.10.2013

Sign the petition
