
Liavon Volski: ‘We will not change anything by killing a man who has committed even a very terrible crime. Besides, it will cause more bloodthirstiness’

Liavon Volski: ‘We will not change anything by killing a man who has committed even a very terrible crime. Besides, it will cause more bloodthirstiness’

The founder of the rock-bands Mroya, NRM and the musical project Krambambulia Liavon Volski has joined the campaign against the death penalty, launched by the Belarusian human rights defenders. Czytaj więcej…

‘Death’ was walking on Niamiha in the company of policemen in mufti

‘Death’ was walking on Niamiha in the company of policemen in mufti

On 5 June several volunteers of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee tried held a theatric performance for abolishment of the death penalty in Belarus. Czytaj więcej…

Hanna Khitryk: ‘The state must not kill people. The state is the people who we elected, who we rely on and who we trust. If the people who we trust will be assassins, what people are they and what people are we if we have elected them?’

Hanna Khitryk: ‘The state must not kill people. The state is the people who we elected, who we rely on and who we trust. If the people who we trust will be assassins, what people are they and what people are we if we have elected them?’

The actor of Yanka Kupala National Theater Hanna Khitryk, songwriter of the Detidetey rock band has jointed the campaign against the death penalty in Belarus. Expressing her opinion on this issue, Hanna pointed that ‘to wish somebody death is to spoil oneself… and if you are for the death penalty, you are also for war’. Czytaj więcej…

Belarus may consider declaring moratorium on death penalty, says MP Hlaz

According to Anatol Hlaz, deputy of the House of Representatives and vice-head of Human Rights, National Relations and Mass Media Parliamentary Committee, the Belarusian authorities may soon declare a moratorium on the death penalty. ‘Now we can work out the necessary legislative grounds for declaring a moratorium on the death penalty,’ says Mr.Hlaz. He also stressed that it could ‘facilitate establishing a dialogue with Europe.’ Czytaj więcej…

Mikhail Pastukhou: ‘The abolition of the death penalty is a sign of the state’s and the society’s achievement of a certain level of development when the human life is recognized as the supreme value not to be defied by anyone, including the state’

Mikhail Pastukhou: ‘The abolition of the death penalty is a sign of the state’s and the society’s achievement of a certain level of development when the human life is recognized as the supreme value not to be defied by anyone, including the state’

Mikhail Pastukhou, famous lawyer and human rights expert, head of the Legal Aid Center of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, ex-judge of the Belarusian Supreme Court (1994-1996), has joined the civil campaign promoting the abolition of the capital punishment in Belarus ‘Human Rights Activists against the Death penalty.’ He stresses that the issue is ripe and certain measures should be taken. Czytaj więcej…

Viktar Rudenka: ‘The musical band 'Dali' is against the death penalty, because we understand that it is inhuman and is a non-democratic practice’

Viktar Rudenka: ‘The musical band 'Dali' is against the death penalty, because we understand that it is inhuman and is a non-democratic practice’

The leader of the Dali band Vitkar Rudenka signed the petition against the capital punishment in Belarus, the only country in Europe and in the post-Soviet space where this kind of punishment is still in use. All members of the band expressed their definite position on this issue: ‘Dali is against the death penalty!’ Czytaj więcej…

Aliaksei Marachkin: ‘Life is given to us by God and we have no right to take it way, irrespective of how hard one’s crimes are’

Aliaksei Marachkin: ‘Life is given to us by God and we have no right to take it way, irrespective of how hard one’s crimes are’

The well-known Belarusian artist Aliaksei Marachkin, a founder of the association of artist, the chairman of the World Alliance of Belarusians Batskawshchyna, took part in the discussion of the capital punishment. He joined the campaign Human Rights activists against death penalty in Belarus and said why he thought it was necessary to abolish this kind of punishment. Czytaj więcej…

Amnesty International presents report on death penalty in Minsk

On 24 March the international human rights organization Amnesty International presented its annual report on the use of the death penalty. The report underlines that Belarus is the only European country which still uses the capital punishment. Nicola Duckworth, Director of the AI Program for Europe and Central Asia, stresses that the death penalty is the most inhuman, cruel and degrading form of punishment: ‘There is no room for hanging, beheading, electrocution, lethal injection or lapidating in the 21th century.’ Czytaj więcej…

Amnesty International to launch reports calling for the abolition of the   death penalty

Amnesty International to launch reports calling for the abolition of the death penalty

On 24 March 2009, Amnesty International will release its global death penalty statistics, looking at how many people were executed or sentenced to death across the world during 2008. On the same day in a separate report, Ending executions in Europe: Towards abolition of the death penalty in Belarus, the human rights organization will call on the last state in Europe and Central Asia that still sentences people to death and executes them to follow the global trend and abolish the death penalty. Czytaj więcej…

Human rights defenders are concerned with P.Miklashevich’s statement about possible referendum on abolishment of death penalty

Human rights defenders are concerned with P.Miklashevich’s statement about possible referendum on abolishment of death penalty

‘According to the Constitution, abolishment of death penalty in Belarus can be decided only by means of referendum,’ stated the head of the Constitutional Court of Belarus Piatro Miklashevich at the press-conference of 11 March. As said by him, ‘a special provision has been put in the Constitution concerning the abolishment of death penalty’, Interfax informs. Czytaj więcej…

Human Rights Defenders against Capital Punishment: first results of the campaign

Human Rights Defenders against Capital Punishment: first results of the campaign

The Human Rights Defenders against Capital Punishment in Belarus campaign started a month ago. For this period of time 11 famous people of Belarus signed the petition to the Belarusian authorities: The head of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus of the 12th convocation Mechyslau Hryb, the head of the Belarusian Association of Journalists Zhana Litvina, the writers Uladzimir Arlou, Sviatlana Aleksiyevich and Adam Hlobus, the musicians Kasia Kamotskaya, Uladzimir Puhach and Zmitser Vaitsiushkevich, the TV and radio hosts Zinaida Bandarenka, Tamara Lisitskaya and Katsiaryna Pytleva. While signing the petition each of them expressed his/her attitude to this issue and drew arguments for abolishment of death penalty. Czytaj więcej…

Kasia Kamotskaya: ‘Death penalty is a trait of great backwardness of a country’

Kasia Kamotskaya: ‘Death penalty is a trait of great backwardness of a country’

The leader of the legendary rock-band Novaye Neba and producer of documentaries Kasia Kamotskaya has joined the campaign against death penalty in Belarus and stated that the abolishment of this penalty would be another step of Belarus towards the family of free democratic countries: Czytaj więcej…

Let’s join Belarus to the world that is free from death penalty

Belarus is the only country on the post-Soviet space where capital punishment still exists, death sentences are issued and convicts are executed. Czytaj więcej…

Musician Zmitser Vaitsiushkevich joins anti-death penalty campaign

Musician Zmitser Vaitsiushkevich joins anti-death penalty campaign

The famous Belarusian musician Zmitser Vaitsiushkevich has signed the petition for the abolition of capital punishment and named the main reason for doing that. ‘I am joining the campaign against death penalty in this country due to a number of reasons. The main thing is that the innocent are not killed. I would like to support the petition to the Belarusian authorities, because I think that it is high time to understand who we are, where evil comes from and who has the right to judge. These issues are extremely complicated and simple at a time… I do hope that the innocent are not killed, because that is what we have.’ Czytaj więcej…

Famous Belarusian musician Uladzimir Puhach: ‘To execute a human being for committing a crime is the silliest thing on Earth’

Famous Belarusian musician Uladzimir Puhach: ‘To execute a human being for committing a crime is the silliest thing on Earth’

Uladzimir Puhach, frontman of J:MORC rock band, has joined the public campaign for the abolition of death penalty in Belarus, saying that ‘it is not the gravity of the punishment but its inevitability that keeps a person from committing a crime.’ ‘Mankind has passed through many stages of development. Many things have been invented and many things have been forgotten. This is how the progress comes into being. People used to eat one another – then they gave it up. People used to kill one another and, unfortunately, continue to do so. But I believe that one day people will stop killing each other. And what could be my biggest dream is that one day people will stop killing each other by law. Czytaj więcej…



Death verdics in Belarus since 1990
